Lilypie First Birthday tickers

June 11, 2008

Midnight Snack!

Okay so I didn't really have a midnight snack last night but might as well been since dinner was at 9:30 last night for me :o( I've read some articles and heard several people on tv talk about how you should try not to eat 3 to 4 hours before bedtime if you are trying to lose weight, HA!, I guess they weren't training for a triathlon :o(

Last night was our Tuesday night swim at San Ramon with Phil and Amy. Since Amy and I had planned on going to Shadow Cliff on Thursday we decided that it'd be good to switch the workouts. Do Tuesday's workout on Thursday and Thursday on Tuesday and mainly because last nights workout was all swimming at different levels and Thursday is lots of drills which are hard to do at the lake. After a few minutes of trying to convince Phil that it was okay to switch the days he was on board with us and swimming we went. Thursday's schedule called for a 1050 meter warm up, yes people 1050 meters just in our warm up. Last week we did 1400 meters in our total workout! YIKES!

200 meters swim LVL 2
200 meters Kicking only with kickboard
200 meters swim LVL 2

when we were done with the first 600 meters we got back for a quick 20 second rest but noticed our workout was missing ( I think Phil threw it in the pool, hee, hee). Amy found it at the bottom of the pool but it was useless and we didn't have another copy of it. Phil had brought a copy of the Tuesday workout so we decided to go ahead with our scheduled workout instead.

The schedule had us doing 1200 meters at different levels including a Level 7. Our levels go from 1-10 with 1 being the easiest. I did my very very best I could at trying to swim a level 7 and when I was done I was exhausted and breathing very heavily. It was a tough workout but we all go through it and then did an easy 100 meter cool down.

It went like this:

300 LVL 5
300 LVL 3
200 LVL 5
200 LVL 7
100 LVL 5
100 LVL3

100 cool down concentrate on form

total workout - 1900 meters

We were beyond exhausted and ready to go home. I was starving of course as I always am after swimming. I decided to stop by Trader Joe's and pick up a few things that are easy to make since coming home late and trying to eat continues to be a problem especially since my hubby isn't always home to cook and have dinner for me :o( he'll be gone twice a week also for training and then he has his band practice day once a week. Yeah, I guess you could say our lives are a bit chaotic at this time. Anyway, by the time I made it home it was almost 9pm :o( I had bought some shrimp to make as salad so I turned on the oven to preheat and then played with the pooches for a little while, picked up their mess from the day, hung up the wet clothes and unpacked my swimming gear, packed my running gear for tonight, put on my jammies and then back in the kitchen to make my dinner. It only took about 15 minutes, I made my salad, ate my salad and when all this was done it was about 10pm, which is normally my bed time but I can't roll into bed right after eating so I forced myself to stay up til 11pm. I'm tired today but I got 7 hours of sleep so I guess that isn't so bad and I'll just have to get used to it being that way for the next 14 weeks.

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