Lilypie First Birthday tickers

June 26, 2008

Lunch Workout

This "unhealthy" air quality is really starting to take a toll on all of us :( and it's not good when you are suppose to be outside training for a triathlon. We are trying to work around it but I think we are all feeling the effects of it and it's not fun. Tuesday evening seemed to be better but it's gradually gotten worse and today we officially have an "unhealthy" air day and Air Quality Control peeps are saying that people should be careful about doing too much in this smokey ick.

I packed all my stuff on Tuesday night with every intention to go to track but when I left our house you could really smell the smoke bad and when I got to work once again Mt. Diablo had vanished. I work a hop skip and a jump away from there but the mountain is not visible at all. I was going back and forth all morning on whether I should go to track or not and trying to figure out how to get my workout in. Then I got an instant message from Ms. Olivia twisting my arm to go to a function in Walnut Creek, Wine Walk, darn her! After many messages back and forth of me saying I had to workout and she telling me that the air quality was to icky I agreed to meet her in Walnut Creek and enjoy the evening. When I was leaving the office for lunch my workout bag stared right at me and gave me a "ooohhh, you are skipping track" look...LOL! I felt guilty about not going so I put my little brain to work and then I remembered that there is a gym here in the plaza where I work and I could just workout on my lunch. I printed out a guest pass and took myself over there. I had to listen to the "please join our gym" talk but that didn't take too long and then I was free to workout.

Treadmill - 10 minute warm-up

10 squats
5 side planks on the left (hold 5 seconds)
5 side planks on the right (hold 5 seconds)

10 each leg mule kicks
10 push ups

5 each side opposite leg/arm extensions (hold 5 seconds)
10 leg raises (hold 5 seconds)

10 crunches
5 each leg one leg squats

I did this twice and then a 10 minute cool down

It was nice and cool in the gym although I'm feeling pretty sore today so maybe I pushed myself a bit harder then I do at track or maybe it's that I did the circuit drills 2x without doing the one .25 mile run between each set. I dunno but at least I got my workout in :o) right?

After work I headed to Walnut Creek to meet Olivia for the Wine Walk. For $20 you get a glass, a wrist band and a map with 32 locations (clothing stores, travel agent, pet store, etc) and you basically go wine tasting. All the wines were from Napa and some places had small finger foods like fruit, cheese & crackers and cookies. It's a great way for businesses to get their name out there and people to come in and check them out. I am going to assume they had a very successful night because it seemed like ti was quite packed out there and they even ran out of the glasses so some people had plastic cups. Olivia and I managed to hit 23 of the locations in the 3 hour time frame, it was like the Amazing Race :o) I didn't actually drink at all the places but it was nice to go into some stores that I'd never been into or even knew were there. Although some I'll never go back to because I can't afford them. Like the shoe place with the $300 flip flops and $800 Jimmie Choo's. It was a very fun evening though.

We hadn't really eaten any food so afterwards we went to Pyramid for dinner and I picked up some food for the hubby who'd been at school all night and couldn't join us. I went home stuffed like a piggie and did the usual routine of unpack, repack, straighten up the house and then went to bed.

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