Lilypie First Birthday tickers

June 25, 2007

Training, Food, Friends & Laughter

This weekend was a busy one, the entire weekend was pretty much spent with girlfriends and we had a great time.

Friday night was spent at home doing last minute stuff for the run on Saturday. I had to make a 2nd spirit cape so that the walk team could have one also and I had also agreed to help Trish, our honoree captain, with the honoree banner. Rocky was great and helped me out because by the time I got to the banner it was about 10pm and I was starting to get cranky :o( it was past my bedtime. The banner and the spirit cape turned out cute and thankfully they dried by the time we headed out on Saturday morning. I'll try to get a picture up here soon.

Saturday we met the team at 8am at a new location in Oakland. It was a nice trail and a nice run except for NO SHADE and for some reason it was super warm in Oakland. We thought it was going to be a cool run especially because it was by the water but no luck. It was warm :o( I started my run out with Jeanette, Olivia and Phil and we all pretty much kept together til we got to the water stop. Jeanette and I sped up a little bit after that and finished 4.02 miles in 45:14. I felt great and YAY didn't get sick from taking the GU and GU2O. I think this might be my new combination of gels and electrolyte drink.

After the run Rocky and I grabbed breakfast at the Coffee Mill in Oakland. I had a yummy breakfast rap and managed to only eat half of it. I was a good girl. The thing was huge but I took half home and ate it on Sunday. By the time we got home I was pooped and had no energy to take a shower so I laid on our living room floor since I was all icky from the run. Rocky brought me my blankie and a small pillow and a took a 30 minute nap while him and the doggie did computer stuff in the other room. The nap helped refresh me and then it was in the shower to get ready and head out to Walnut Creek to meet Olivia. We had planned to go shopping for very specific things. We managed to find exactly what we needed and we was very painless. We treated ourselves with Gelato :o) I headed back home for a change of clothes and to kill some time before meeting Petra and 9 other of her friends to celebrate her ????? birthday. We had dinner at Pizzaiolo. The food was super yummy but the service was very slow. I've never been there and I'm not sure if it's always like that but when you are starving it's not good that they take forever to bring your dinner :o( Everything that we ordered we shared. We had a couple of salads, some appetizers, 5 different pizza's and some very yummy desserts. It was a fun evening. Amy, Anita and Olivia were there and we got to meet some of Petra's friends from the knitting store. It was another late night so I was pooped by the time I got home.

Sunday I was suppose to get up and do my video or go do a short run. Ummm, neither of those two things happened. I decided I needed to get some extra sleep. I think I finally rolled out of bed at 10am :o). I cleaned the house, did some laundry and then got things ready for the girls to come over for knitting. The menu: Pomegranate Martini's in our new super cute martini glasses, maui style short ribs, chicken, corn, macaroni salad, green salad and dessert. Everything turned out very yummy. THANK YOU Rocky for bbq'ing all the yummy food, Raji for the green salad and Jeanette for the yummy dessert. We spent quite a few hours knitting, being silly and talking about everything you could imagine. My poor husband may never let these ladies back in the house :o) We had a wonderful time and before we knew it it was past our bedtimes and everyone headed home.

Last weeks totals:

Tuesday - 3.1 miles
Wednesday - 2.66 miles
Thursday - 1.56 miles
Saturday - 4.02 miles

Total Week 2 - 11.34 miles

I am actually pretty happy with my training last week. 4 days of training is more then I'm used to and I managed to do it and feel pretty good each time. I am averaging between a 10:30 and 11:30 minute mile, not too bad for me. I am hoping to be able to run a 10 minute mile without pooping out. We'll see how that goes as the miles get higher. This week my running days will be a little different because I've got some other things going on but I'm hoping to be able to get 4 days in again. Our official NY training starts this week so on Saturday we'll be running 6 miles already. YIKES.

Weight Watchers is going okay. I typically do better during the week but even though I didn't eat well and count points this weekend I managed to maintain my weight and not gain any. I think all the running is helping. I hope to do much better this week.

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