Lilypie First Birthday tickers

April 08, 2008

Sad Duckies

This morning on my way in I saw two very confused very sad duckies. It was a sad sight. I take 680 to Crow Canyon and take Crow Canyon all the way up to Blackhawk. There are lots and alots of dukies in this area as well as wild turkeys (very ugly ones), jack rabbits and deer. I have seen almost all of them dead on the side of the road at one point or another. This morning though a duckie and his buddies must have been crossing the road and one of them got hit :o( it looked liked who ever hit him took the time to get out of their car and move him out of the way off to the side but the other duckies looked so lost and confused. They were just standing there next to the dead duckie not knowing what to do. It's like they didn't wan to leave him behind. Poor duckies :o( It's just not a good area for any of these animals with all the traffic that goes through here.

I was not totally lazy yesterday, I did manage to get a 30 minute walk in on my lunch break. It felt pretty good. I went about 2.98 miles :o) I had planned on doing the same today but my shins are sore :o( I have new shoes and my darn inserts didn't fit in them so I used my shoes with just the inserts it came with, NOT GOOD! I could feel my shins bothering me about 10-15 into my walk but I was already out there and had to walk back to my office :o( So last night my hubby helped me cut my inserts around the top part so that they'll fit in my new shoes and I will try it again. I might wait til tomorrow though and let the soreness go away although I did bring all my stuff so I could walk after work if they aren't feeling to bad by the time the work day is over.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wait, you went almost 3 miles in 30 minutes WALKING?? I'm slower than that when I RUN! :(