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April 04, 2008

Love the Life you Live

That's part of my blog name, it's what is written on a ring that Olivia gave me for Christmas which I love and really says how we feel about life. I think that everyone should be thankful for everyday they are here on earth, enjoy their family, enjoy their friends and shoot enjoy work even if there are days you hate it :o) because you just never know when life will take a turn for the worse. I whine everyday :o( but really my life is great compared to what some people are going through.

This week has brought tough news to several people. News that will change them forever or just for a little while but news that just isn't fun to get and deal with.

It makes me thank my lucky stars that I am healthy and that I do have a great family, my family and the new my family (the Reyes's), my amazing friends and my furry little dogs that bring joy and sometimes pain to our household. There are days when work drives me to bonk my head on the wall but I am thankful for a great job that I've had for 7 years and that I do enjoy doing.

I can't go into details about whats going on with some of our friends but please keep those going through tough times in your thoughts.

I did speak to our friend with cancer and she is doing really good. She had one treatment on Wednesday and will have one next Wednesday and then a week off. She'll repeat this twice and then they'll go in and scan to see if the mass has shrunk and if it has then she'll hae surgery. If it has not then more chemo. She is feeling good and so far no side effects. Her hubby is amazing and has been right by her side since this all happened. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she has a smooth time during treatment. Chemo can be icky let's hope it's not too bad for her.

Anyway, it's been an icky week. Hopefully it's the end of the bad news.

Have a great weekend and go have some fun. It's suppose to be nice out :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you posted what you did today, the last couple of days I've gotten so many reminders that we (I) chose to be happy or unhappy. And things could be a lot worse. Maybe it's a hidden message that I've been missing for so long.

Glad that you and Rocky are doing well, hopefully I'll get to see you soon.