Lilypie First Birthday tickers

April 17, 2008

Birthday Fun

Last night I headed over to Amy's for our monthly Stitch-n-Bitch this time though we had a little celebration as well, Amy's Birthday :o)

It was a very fun evening with lots of friends, food, wine and cake :o) Once again I don't think much knitting got done but we did get to catch up with a few people that we haven't seen in a while so that was nice. It turned out to be a great evening.

Then I went home to my sickie :o( he's feeling better today although still a bit congested and with a cough. Here is what our kitchen counter looks like.

Cough medicine, various teas, daytime & nighttime sinus pain tylenol, mucinex, vitamin c and airborne in two flavors. Anyone need any meds?


Anonymous said...

It was nice seeing you the other day and it was great to catch up. Hopefully we'll get together again some time soon.

Anonymous said...

Whoops I thought it was going to live my new site, but I guess it didn't, so we'll try it again. You can go directly to