Lilypie First Birthday tickers

July 17, 2007

Benched :O(

I can't run until Saturday :o( I saw Mama Lisa last night at a TNT Information Meeting and she told me not to even attempt to run until Saturday. I still have some swelling in my ankle and my knee is still sore and bruised. She suggested I see Dr. Klein (our chiropractor) to get realigned and to keep an eye on my knee and make sure I don't get fluid build up in it :o( So I've emailed my doctor to see what he suggests. Mama Lisa is going to tape up my ankle on Saturday for the run just to be on the safe side.

I'm pretty bummed :o(

My hubby has been taking good care of me though. He brought me home flowers last night :o) and some more bandaids and motrin :o) and made me ice before I went to bed :o( I hate icing, I hate being cold :o(


Amy said...

Owie! I feel so bad for you. :( I hope you heal quickly and get out running again soon. Carefully!

Phil said...

good to see you tonight! keep your head up. you're doing the right thing!