Lilypie First Birthday tickers

March 29, 2007

Teddy Bear Coin Laundry

I can not remember at all the last time I stepped foot in a laundromat. It may even be as far back as maybe living in LA with my parents and our place had no washer/dryer. I may be wrong but I might be right. Anyway, our apartment complex has a laundry room but for the last few weeks the dryer hasn't been working and who knows why they haven't called to get it fixed. About 2 weeks ago Olivia did laundry and when she pulled her stuff out of the dryer it was still as wet as when she put them in :o( no fun and waste of a $1. So we've both been putting off doing laundry because we didn't want to waste the money and find out the dryer was still broken. So last night we spent our evening at the Teddy Bear Coin Laundry in Moraga. I don't think I've ever been such a quiet and clean laundromat. We had about 4 loads each, I was down to wearing my ugly clothes, and we finished it all in about 2 hours. Wash, Dry & Fold. I think that's about the only thing I like about going there, you get it all done at once. I can sometimes be lazy about folding and putting away my clothes when doing laundry at home. Oh and WOW doing your laundry at the laundromat is expensive. It cost us $2.00 to do a load of laundry and it was a small machine and I think it cost about $2.50 to dry it :o( It's only $1.75 to wash and dry at our house.

Tonight will be the first night I am home before 9pm :o( it's been a very busy week. I can't wait for the weekend to get here.

On the hand front, my hands are still feeling pretty good this week....YAY!

I am on the last few rows of the "secret" knitting project. Double YAY!

and I think I found the motivation to lose weight. A weight lose contest with my friend, Ms. Amy. The prize, a pedicure. The not so good part, our weigh in day to see who has won will be the week after I get back from Hawaii :o( eewwww. Hey but at least it'll make me be good for the next 5 weeks :o)

1 comment:

Amy said...

What was "Teddy Bear" about the laundry? Were people washing their teddy bears? Were bears doing their laundry? Did they give away a bear with each load??