Lilypie First Birthday tickers

March 07, 2007

Nice Day for a Walk

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So my poor doggie doesn't get out much cause I always get home late and I haven't been doing any kind of physical activity caues I've just been lazy. So yesterday was another great day. It was in the mid 70's and now that it's staying lighter out I decided to take Patch for a walk. My goal is going to be to get out everyday for at least 30 minutes with him. I got home a little early last night so we headed out about 5:30. We took the Iron Horse Trail towards Danville. The first 10 minutes were great but once we crossed over Rudgear, new territory for Patch, it didn't go so well. We were walking at a good pace until all of a sudden Patch started pulling backwards and wanted to go home. I guess he was confused and not so sure about our route cause I've never walked him in that direction. He kept pulling and at one point sat down and just looked in the direction of our house. My doggie is funny. Anyway, I manged to make it the 15 minutes out and then 15 minutes back for a 30 minute walk. He was much happier on the way back. My biggest complaint....the darn mosquitos. Boy those suckers got me and if they got me they probably got Patch too. The highlight of my new pink shuffle :o) OHHH wait, I also fell :o( Right as we were crossing the street and I was going to step up to the sidewalk Patch pulled me and I fell :o( luckily no one was around. According to I went 0.97 miles...not too bad.
I'm not sure if I'll get to walk tonight. I've got a few errands to run and I'm a big baby about being on the trail in the dark so I may have to wait til tomorrow.

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