Lilypie First Birthday tickers

April 12, 2007

Secret Project

The secret knitting project has been completed and delivered.

About a month ago we got and email from our TNT friend Cindy Short asking us if we wanted to participate in making a prayer shawl for Brenda................

What is a prayer shawl?

Before one begins the knitting process, a blessing or prayers be said, dedicating the work of your hands and the intentions of the receiver. During the knitting process you will want to pray for the recipient of the shawl so that your prayers are knitted into the shawl. When working in a group, you may want to pass the work-in-progress around the circle, asking each person to add some stitches to the shawl, or to just hold it for a while to add their prayers, energy and good wishes. A final blessing of the shawl is suggested as well. When you finish the shawl before presenting it to the person pray any prayer for the recipient.

......we immediately said yes and started the process of finding the perfect shawl for her. The only problem was that when you knit a shawl you all have to pass it around and knit part of it which could of taken a while especially since some of us aren't very fast :o( A few months ago I had seen a pattern for a throw in one of my knitting catalogs and I thought it might be a better idea for us. So I shared it with the group and we all agreed it was perfect. The throw was knit in sections. So each of us (Amy, Jeanette, Olivia, Raji, Cindy and I) got to knit an entire section of the throw. Last night we met at Amy's house, THANK YOU AMY, and sewed the throw together. It came out beautiful. Olivia and I then delivered it to the hospital and currently it is wrapped around Brenda. We hope that she feels all the love and prayers we put into the blanket and that it brings her some comfort.

We got this text message from Lindsay at 6:09am:

Brenda and I are snuggled up in the blanket....she just absolutely loves it....thank you so much!

It was a good way to start my morning.

As for Brenda's condition....not good. Last night she was having a very difficult time breathing. Her husband Jim didn't think she'd make it through the night. She did though and is still fighting hard. We were not able to see her but it was good for us to be there and see her family, her hubby and Lindsay who has been an amazing support to Brenda. Lindsay has not left her side in 3 days. Right now we are just playing the waiting game and waiting for the text message or phone call that the time has come. I am very sad today as I know we all are.


Carol said...

Simply beautiful! As I said to Jeanette, you gals are amazing to create this blanket with such love for Brenda.

Phil said...

that's one special blanket. i'm glad Brenda enjoyed it.