Lilypie First Birthday tickers

August 11, 2006


that in doggie language means....GO TEAM!!!! Last night was the first track workout of the season. I chose not to run. I have been super exhausted and just wasn't feeling it. I have also been feeling guilty because we've been gone every night this week and our poor little pooch has been home alone, this weekend we'll also be gone most of the weekend. I decided to grab the doggie and the camera and just head out to track and support. The team ran a 2 lap warm-up, stretched, Coach Gary did some talking about how track works and then they ran for 14-19 minutes. Patch and I walked 3 laps with Brenda and her mom.....see I wasn't totally lazy :o) I took lots of pictures of the team and then we headed home. It had been pretty warm but it turned out to be nice a nice evening.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Patch is way tooo cute! I can see why it would be difficult to discipline him.