Lilypie First Birthday tickers

October 13, 2008

Too Old To Party

I've come to realize that I just can't party like a rock star any more. I am too old. Is it sad that I can't keep up with my husband who's OLDer...haa, haa.

Friday night the Motherhumbuckers had their CD release party at the Rockit Room. I went to work and right after work I met Olivia in Rockridge for dinner and she was going to leave her car there so we could ride together. We had a yummy chinese food dinner and then headed into SF. No traffic so we arrived about an hour early. Rocky, Ollie and Jose were headed to Thai food for dinner before the show so we joined them. They had dinner and Olivia and I shared dessert :O) about 9ish we headed back over to the Rockit Room and listened to the first band. They were LOUD and I didn't quite enjoy their music. We mingled with everyone til it was time for Rocky's band to go on and then the party started. They packed the place and they did an awesome job performing. I am very proud of Rocky for all the hard work that him and the rest of the band guys have put into getting this cd completed :o) There were 2 more bands after the MHB which we stayed and sort of listened to but mostly we just mingled so more. By the time we got home and into bed it was about 2am. YIKES!!

Olivia and I decided that instead of running Saturday morning we'd run in the evening so we could get some sleep. I had an informational meeting to work at at 2:30 so I told her I'd head to her house for a run after that. I called her on my way to her house from the info meeting and we decided that we were both still pretty exhausted so we decided to skip the run :o( Instead Rocky met me at her house and she cooked us a very nice dinner and we just hung out. It was a very nice mellow evening which we all needed. THANK YOU OLIVIA!!! After that Rocky and I headed home and to bed. POOPED!

Sunday we were up early again. We had gotten free tickets from Team in Training for the Now & Zen Concert at Golden Gate Park in SF. We all expected it to be a pretty cold day there since it has been freezing and windy. We were WRONG. It was a very clear and very hot and sunny day. I think what saved us is that we were all wearing long sleeves and jeans or it would have been bad. Rocky & I had burnt lips but that was about it. We both had visors so I think that saved our face from burning. The good thing is that we weren't miserable from being cold. It was actually a perfect day in the city for an outdoor concert. We had picked up sandwiches on our way out there so we had a nice little picnic. We enjoyed the music of Lenka, Sara Barellies, Sugar Ray, Gavin DeGraw and Duffy. We were also able to see the Air Show going on at Fleet Week which was kind of cool. I was bummed that we weren't going to be able to go this year but we were able to watch a little bit of what was going on there. I love the Blue Angels and they even flew over Golden Gate Park a couple of times :o) that was a nice treat. We spent 5 hours at Golden Gate Park and when the concert was over we headed home. I plopped on the couch tell bed time :o)

It was a music filled weekend. I am still trying to recover though, I could sure use a nap :o)

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