Lilypie First Birthday tickers

October 17, 2008

Rocky + Grocery Shopping = Trouble

Things have been very hectic this week and everday after work I or we both have had something going on. I have not been able to get to the grocery store so on Wednesday I ask Rocky if he could please make a trip to the store. We needed toilet paper, paper towels and I asked him to please pick up a few things for him to eat breakfast and to make his lunch. We weren't going to be home for dinners so we didn't need any of that stuff plus we had a few things in the freezer if anything changed.

I had a meeting at the LLS office on Wendesday night and got home around 9:30 or so. I put all my stuff away and then headed to the kitchen to get some water. I looked in the fridge at Rocky's purchases. He bought the paper towels and toilet paper we needed, picked up some cereal and milk for his breakfast. YAY! Then I find 2 boxes of ice cream and a package of cookies??? A loaf of bread and salami.

Me: Umm, Rocky where is the other sandwich fixings?

Rocky: Ohhhh, I dunno! Don't we have any?

Me: No silly that's why I asked you to go grocery shopping.

Do you just want two pieces of bread with some salami in it?

Rocky: hmm, haa, haa, no!!

Me: No sandwich fixings but you bought 2 BOXES OF ICE CREAM!!! and COOKIES!!!

Rocky: Yep

OY!!! BOYS!!! My hubby is funny.

Last night Rocky and I headed out to Union Square in San Francisco to pick up our race packets for Sunday. Once again Union Square was converted intot he hub for the Nike Marathon Weekend. We picked up our race packets, mingled with all our freinds and people on Rocky's team and then headed over to Nike Town.

Every year the left wall of Nike Town is covered with the name of all 20,000 runners. Rocky and I found our names on the wall and then headed inside for some shopping.

I was a very good girl and didn't do much damage at Nike although they have made it really really hard to be good. This year they have so many more options and super cute things to pick from. A few weeks ago I was at Forward Motion and they had put out the marathon stuff so I bought a few things. I got running shorts, a running long sleeve top and a nice vest :o) Last night I only bought a cute shirt they had that said 5 year anniversary on it. So I'm all set to go. I have my cute running outfit for Sunday now we just wait for the day to arrive :o)

Tonight we are heading back out to the city for my sister-in-law's birthday



Saturday morning we'll get all our stuff packed up and ready to go, in the afternoon we'll pick up my daddy from the airport, he's coming for our race :o) and then we'll head back to SF for the Pasta Party. Sunday is race day!!





Phil said...

Have a great race on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

That's funny about Rocky. I always send Ray with a list, that way at least he'll come home with the things I need.

Good luck on the race!