Lilypie First Birthday tickers

May 10, 2009


I think I have admitted on here before that I haven't the slightest clue about gardening.  I've been buying magazines and reading up online to get some idea of what to do.  It's going to take a while or our backyard to fully look they way we want to but in the meantime I'd like to start planting a few things.  One thing I do know I want to do is build a raised bed so we can grow tomatoes and other veggies in it.  I'm thinking maybe next weekend or the week after (I'll be off for a few days with my parents visiting) maybe we can work on that.  Maybe my parents can help me out since they grow tomatoes :o) hint, hint to my dad..LOL!!!

Anyway for now I've managed to replant three items.

This plant which is in our kitchen and I can't remember what it's called. 

a jalapeno plant and a tiny tomato seedling

After I post this I am going to go online and read up on these to make sure I take care of them properly so they don't die.  Wish me luck :o)

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